LittleHorse Studios is a 14' x 21' (294 square feet) rehearsal space located in a private residence on a 1 acre country lot in Langley, British Columbia, Canada.
Room rental includes access to all LittleHorse Studio equipment:
- PA system - Drum Kit - Bongos/Congos - Percussion Accessories - Keyboards - Bass Amp - Mics/stands/music stands/accessories - Projectors & Screens - Internet access
Our flexible studio layout means converting from a 'stage show' layout to a 'woodshed' layout is as simple as moving a few microphone stands. For meetings or educational sessions tables and chairs can be setup within minutes and the overhead projector can simply be turned to face the second ceiling mounted screen.
Our Studio walls and ceiling are covered with accoustic tiles and sound board which reduces echo sound waves and produces a pure, clear, clean, full sound. The floor is covered with 1/2" rubber ergonomic padded interlocking floor tiles which assist in relieving leg and hip stress when standing for extended lengths of time. There are two vertical fans mounted on the ceiling (for air circulation), a couch and TV/video area, area rugs, refrigerator, washroom, an overhead projectors, 2 ceiling mounted projection screens, and additional tables and chairs for meetings.
The studio is open, by appointment only, between the hours of 10:00 am through 11:00 pm, 7 days per week. Pre-booking of the studio is required and a $15.00 cancellation fee may be assessed for no-shows or same day cancellations.
Rehearsal Room Rentals $20/hr
Plug and Play with:
5 piece drum kit (pedal, throne, hihat, 4 cymbol/crash/rides),
16 channel Mackie CR1604-VLZ mixing board,
t.c. electronics m300 dual engine processor,
6 'ready to go' vocal mics in stands,
Presonus HP60 6 channel headphone output
Bass Master mx200T amp with additional 2 speaker cabinet beside drum station,
Peavey KB400 4 channel amplifier (for guitars etc)
Roland RD100 keyboard with KC300 amp,
Proteous FX midi sampler and casio keyboard with Motion Sound Pro 145 rotating speaker (Leslie type) amp
6 music stands,
6 guitar stands,
laptop internet access
over 300 Gb of top 100 hits from 1952 through 2000.
overhead projector with pull down screen,
3, 8 channel Presonus Firepod FP10 firewire recording interface units connected to Reaper Recording Software
Session Recordings $45/hr
LittleHorse Studios is setup and mic'ed to allow simultaneous recording of up to 24 individual tracks while all musicains are playing or rehearsing. This allows the editing and engineering of individual tracks after the rehearsal or recording session is over and mastering of all edited tracks.
Session recordings are the less expensive than Recording Sessions because it takes less time to lay down mutiple tracks concurrently instead of seperately. They tend to capture a more 'live' and 'interactive' atmoshpere than layered tracks produced in Recording Sessions. The down side is that there is always the possibility of track bleeding or blending as multiple mics can pickup other instruments. These recordings are excellent for promotional audio samples that will be posted on websites, YouTube or promotional press and venue kits.
Sound Engineering $20/hr
More information pending - Under Construction
Recording Sessions $45/hr
Recording Sessions typically involve recording individual instruments in isolation onto individual tracks for combining seperately.